Our Story


StitchPerfectArt strives to deliver the most unique, best quality products at the most affordable prices possible. From custom stitches, lamps, decals, etc. There is something for everyone!

All Pictures and Videos taken and edited by madison K. StitchPerfectArt Owner.


StitchPerfectart was created by Madison during the infamous pandemic, where being an essential worker in a time of crisis became almost unbearable. She knew there had to be more than slaving away in a career that replaces people instantaneously- requiring 100% of your energy with little to no appreciation involved. Madison has been creative since a young age, finding expression through art and creating things from nothing- and clothing making had been of interest since her grandmother is a seamstress. Madison decided to begin saving up for an industrial embroidery machine and thus, stitchperfectart was born.

Madison is a 25 Year old living in Southern California. She graduated from Sacramento State and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications. Madison has always had a passion for creating- from painting canvases to making homemade cards for all occasions. She runs her entire business, from purchasing inventory, to creating clothes and designs, to taking and uploading photos, shipping orders, and everything in between. She is dedicated to her craft, and ensures the utmost quality with every product that is put out for sale. She understands that not everyone is able to shell out the money for cool items, which is why she strives to keep her prices as affordable and fair as possible.

StitchPerfectArt supports and purchases from other small businesses both locally and across the united states. We believe that circling the money within the community, rather than to large corporations, is the most beneficial way to be sustainable and keep healthy, thriving communities. Our custom pieces are made from either upcycled materials, or materials purchased from local businesses. We are a low waste company, aiming to keep our carbon footprint as small as we possibly can. We lower our waste production by incorporating “waste” into other projects. We want to show the world the true meaning of the famous phrase “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.”

The decision to name the company StitchPerfectArt was decided upon as our business has much more to offer than just custom threads. We offer custom decals, custom acrylic lamps, laser burnt magnets, painted canvases, and other collectable art pieces from time to time. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and art is one of the most beautiful things that life has to offer.